RMS Location Setup

  1. Login into RMS and select the ‘Enterprise’ menu then ‘Status’.
  2. Select the circle/box in front of your Enterprise to show your Customers.
    1. Currently you have not set up customers so it is labeled ‘Main (Office/Tech/Customer)’. This can be changed at any time if you wish.
  3. To add a location select ‘Main’ which will highlight the entire row.
  4. Select the ‘Add’ option in the upper right hand corner. An additional screen will pop up labeled ‘Configure Location’. Make sure it says Location and not Customer. If it says Customer then you have highlight the Enterprise row instead of the Customer row.
  5. Enter name of site, location/property ID, select a ‘Maintenance Region’, then ‘Save’ to complete the addition of location to the RMS.  These 3 items are required before the ‘Save’ option becomes available. All other fields are optional. 
    1. If you are receiving the text/email alerts for the locations the address will show N/A in the text/email if no address is entered here in this form.
    2. The Property/Location ID can be anything you choose. It is minimum of 1 digit and a maximum of 4 digits. 
    3. The Configure Location form has additional tabs to configure card access, low level amounts for cassettes and hoppers, available RT reports, and additional tabs for anything else you feel you need to track.  We recommend to configure these items at this time so that when the RT is clouded it receives this information and you will not have to go back and do it later.
  6. Once the location has been added to the RMS you can move forward with the RT setup process in the next step.

RT Setup

  1. This is going to be the normal RT setup process in which you will setup with cassettes, hoppers, and devices on the RT. AVS might have completed this process for you. If they have when you select the kiosk2.exe shortcut to start the program it will launch into the RT Application.  If they did not set the RT up then it will launch in to the RT Setup form. This form has multiple tabs to configured each device and enter the unit information.  If you have not completed this process before I can send you the instructions or you can reference the setup process in the RT Manual available for download through the M3t License Management Portal.
  2. Confirm the site information like Operator ID, unit ID, and Property/Location ID are correct inside the Site Configuration area so you can cloud the unit in the next step. This information should match the RMS information you entered and the License information that you created through the M3t License Management Portal.
  3. Default RT Device Com Ports/USB Settings for the RT 1016:
    1. Bill Dispenser = Com 1
    2. MEI Bill Validator = Com 3
    3. PIN Pad = Com 4
    4. Honeywell Bar Code Scanner (if equipped) = Com 5
    5. Coin Dispenser = Hopper
    6. Custom VPK80 Slip Printer = USB
    7. Paylink & InfiniLite Controller = USB & Com 7 (If you do not have lights then the option selected here would be just Paylink = USB)
      1. If this is a new RT1016 with lights and the lights are flashing bright rainbow colors please follow the steps below:
        1. Confirm the 4 red vertical toggle switches on the right Infinilite box are all ‘up’.  (I understand this as the left side is pushed in and right side is out if that helps any)
        2. Configure lights through the ‘Light Fix’ option in the Light Configuration form.
          1. Setting Edge Lights - There are a total of 6 Edge lights labeled #0  to #5.
            1. Select the box labeled ‘Edge’
            2. Using the image provided on the screen select the Edge Light #0. 
            3. Use the sliders to change the colors. 
              1. The Red slider should be all the way to the left. 
              2. The Blue slider should be all the way to the left. 
              3. The Green slider should be all the way to the right. 
              4. Once set press the ‘Test’ option to update the light to new settings.  If the light did not change repeat the process. 
              5. Do not move forward to the next edge light until the current edge light has accepted the new color configuration.
          2. Setting the Arrow Lights
            1. Select the box labeled ‘Arrow’
            2. Use the sliders to change the colors. 
              1. The Red slider should be all the way to the left. 
              2. The Blue slider should be all the way to the left. 
              3. The Green slider should be all the way to the right. 
              4. Once set press the ‘Test’ option to update the lights to new settings.  If the light did not change repeat the process. 
          3. Setting the Device Lights
            1. Select the box labeled ‘Device
            2. Use the sliders to change the colors. 
              1. The Red slider should be all the way to the left. 
              2. The Blue slider should be all the way to the right. 
              3. The Green slider should be all the way to the left. 
              4. Once set press the ‘Test’ option to update the lights to new settings.  If the light did not change repeat the process. 
          4. Once all lights are changed select the ‘Close’ option to return you to the RT Light Configuration form. DO NOT HIT SAVE! Selecting ‘Save’ will terminate the application and you will need to complete the process above again.
          5. Select ‘Close’ to return to RT Configuration.
          6. Select ‘Close’ to return to RT Tech Options.
          7. Select ‘Restart Options’
          8. Select ‘Restart to RT’ not ‘Restart Application’ so that the entire RT will shut down and reboot. 
          9. Once restarted confirm all lights are working properly. If lights are not repeat the process above.
        3. The v3.0.2.1 software offers only one color theme at this time which is green for the edge/arrow lights and blue for the devices. Next release will offer additional color themes options and then the ability to adjust colors for the edge light, arrow light, and the device lights individually. 
    8. PowerVar UPS = USB
      1. We will also want to verify that the PowerVar settings are correct. I will attach the configuration setup to this email for reference.
    9. Sankyo Card Reader = USB
    10. USB Audio = USB
      1. I noted this for future reference for the next release. This will be for a very loud alarm that will sound when a door is opened illegally.  An illegal door open is defined as opening a door without logging into the RT Tech Options first.
    11. Microsoft LifeCam HD = USB
      1. I noted this just in case the RT comes with the camera. The camera is utilized for ATM Transactions. It will take an image of the customer standing in front of the RT when the customer enters the PIN for the card.  To view the image you have a couple of options:
        1. Log in to the RT, select ‘View Transactions’ then select an ATM transaction. The image will be displayed on the right side of the Transaction Detail form along with meters and events associated to the ATM transaction. There is a Print option available on this screen if needed.
      2. Log in to the RMS, select ‘Reports’, select ‘RT’ from Report Group, then select the ‘View Report’ option for the RT ATM Security Report #73 (If you do not have this report available then it probably needs to be assigned to your Security Group through the Reports Assignments menu.)
    12. Once unit has been setup then you can move forward to clouding process in the next step.

Adding RT to Cloud

  1. IMPORTANT: All M3t units are configured with a default card of 16910 and PIN of 1234.  This card number and PIN will be needed until after the clouding process has completed so please make sure a keyboard is available during the installation process or the knowledge of how to access the On-Screen Keyboard. 
    1. On Screen Keyboard can be activated by opening the Control Panel, then selecting Ease of Access, then selecting Start On-Screen Keyboard.
  2. Below is the required information needed to cloud your RT.  These must be entered correctly in the Add to Cloud form under RT Configuration or you will receive a message saying contact your system administrator for assistance.
    1. Operator ID = XXXX
    2. Unit ID = XXXXXXXXX
    3. Location/Property ID
  3. If the information is correct enter your ‘Operator Security Code’ then select the ‘Add to Cloud’ option. The clouding process will sync the RT to the Azure database (aka RMS). This process will sync 17 tables before completion.
    1. Once you start the clouding process you cannot stop or cancel out of the process.  The RT will be unavailable to during this time. This unit has not been in service so therefore the clouding process will probably take less than 2 minutes. For future reference the clouding process can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours depending on the internet quality at the location and the amount of data that will be sent up to the RMS.  The clouding process sends up the online meters and last 15 days’ worth of transactions and events. So if the location is 24 hour operation and extremely busy then it might take longer than normal to complete the process. The RT will be Out of Service during that time so we recommend advance notifications to customers and the locations.
  4. Once the tables have synced the RT will return to the RT Configuration form. 
  5. Select ‘Close’ not ‘Save’ to return to the RT Tech Options.
  6. Select ‘Restart Options’ then select ‘Restart to RT’. The entire RT must be restarted to complete the clouding process.
  7. Verifying the following items will confirm the clouding process completed successfully:
    1. Confirm data is being sent from RT to RMS
      1. Log in to RT Tech Options
      2. Select RT Configurations
      3. Select General Configuration
      4. Scroll through grid and find the configuration labeled ‘Write Data to Cloud’. Confirm this is set to 1 = True.
    2. Confirm data is being sent from RMS to RT
      1. Log in to RT Tech Options
      2. Select RT Communications
      3. Select the Data Sync tab
      4. Confirm the following are set:
        1. Service Type – Automatic Delayed Start
          1. If this was not changed select Automatic Delayed Start from list then save.
        2. Service Status – Running
          1. If this is not running select the ’Start’ option to trigger the service to begin. The grid will begin to display data that is coming down from the RMS. This service should be running at all times. This service sends card information, report configurations, drop/fills created through RMS, and low level configurations for cassettes and hoppers.
    3. Confirm RT is reporting in the RMS
      1. Log in to the RMS
      2. Select Enterprise
      3. Select Status
      4. Select the circle/box in front of the text ‘Illinois Gold Rush Inc’ to show your customers.
      5. Select the circle/box in front of the text ‘Main (Region/Tech/Customers)’ to show your locations.
      6. Select the circle/box in front of the location that you just clouded. This will drop down to show the RT.
      7. Select the RT. The screen will refresh and show additional tabs for alarms, transactions, online meters, etc.  Verify information is accurate.
    4. If RT is reporting correctly and receiving updates from the RMS you can move forward with the licensing process in the next step.

Licensing RT

  1. A license is required for the M3t RT Software to go in to service.  I placed this as the last step to avoid having to modify the license due to any changes that might happen during the installation process that is outlined above. However if you created the license and a configuration changes then you will need to contact the M3t Office to modify the license for you.
    1. Log in to the M3t License Management Portal at rt.m3ts.com with your user name and password. If you do not have one please let me know and I can set up your access.
    2. Select ‘Add License’ from the menu options.
    3. Select the License Type. There are two options:
      1. Online is for an RT that has internet. 
      2. Offline is for an RT that does not and will not have internet. An Offline Validation is an encrypted file that has to be downloaded from the M3t Licensing Management Portal and then loaded on the RT. So if this is going to be offline then I suggest you move this step to be the Second Step in the process.  The MAC Address of the PC  is required to create the Offline Validation file. MAC Address is found in the Network and Sharing center under the Local Area Connection.
    4. Select the Property/Location ID from the drop down list.
      1. If you added it in the RMS the location name will be listed.  If you did not add the property/location in the RMS first then you can use the fields to enter the ID in which you would like to use. But remember to cloud the unit the Property/Location must be add in the RMS. 
    5. Enter the Unit ID
      1. The Unit Id is the serial number of the M3t unit.
    6. Select the ATM Interface
      1. If you are not having ATM then select Columbus Data on this since it is default to them.
    7. Select the Ticket Interface
      1. This is already defaulted to Sci-Games but just make sure that is what is selected.
    8. Select RMS Interface
      1. This is already defaulted to RMS but just make sure that is what is selected.
    9. IMPORTANT - Select the correct Application version from the list. The RT1016 are released with v3.0.2.1 only so make sure that is what is in this field.
    10. Select the option ‘I have already purchased an EMV kit from AVS.  The RT1016 comes with EMV capability and the Sankyo Card Reader.
    11. Enter the Sankyo Serial Number. This can be found under View RT Device Status then select the ‘Details’ option for the Sankyo Card Reader. In the left grid you will find the serial number of the Sankyo. The serial number usually begins with a N or R. The letter is not required for the license. 
      1. Note: Only approved EMV Sankyo Card Readers are accepted. If you receive an error stating that it is not an approved EMV kit to a duplicate records please contact the M3t Office for assistance.
    12. Verify all information is correct then select ‘Save’ to receive your Activation Code/File. 
      1. If you chose Offline a link will be provided so you can download the file to a portal device. The file name will include the Operator ID and Site ID.
    13. Log in to the RT Tech options on the RT.
    14. Select the ‘License’ menu option.
      1. Online Activation
        1. Enter the Activation Code you received from the M3t License Management Portal into the Product Validation Code field. The on screen keyboard will become available when the field is selected.
        2. Select the ‘Online Validation’ option to activate the license.
      2. Offline Activation
        1. Insert portal device containing the Offline Validation File in to the USB port on the PC.
        2. Select ‘Offline Validation’ option to access the available drives
        3. Locate and open the Offline Validation file that you saved to your portal device to activate the license.
    15. A message will be displayed showing if the activation was successful or if it failed.  If the activation failed the items in which caused the fail will be highlighted in red text on the screen. 
      1. The left column will show the M3t License Management Portal configured options. If the left column is incorrect then you will need to contact the M3t Office and have the license modified to include the correct information.
      2. The right column will show the RT configurations.  If the right column is incorrect then you will need to update the configurations on the RT in the appropriate configuration area. Reboot the unit after any configuration changes to clear the licensing error.