Updating to v4.0.0.1 Rev 1 through Bomgar
1. Save KioskupdateApp and Kioskupdate to desktop.
2. Log-in to kiosk.
3. Go to Restart Options.
4. Restart to windows.
5. Go to File Transfer.
6. Double click C:\ on the remote side
7. Double click Desktop on the local side.
8. Highlight Kioskupdate_v4_0_0_1U.zip and KioskupdateApp_v4_0_0_3.zip
9. Hit transfer file with green arrow in the middle of the screen; this will transfer files from local side to the remote side.
10. Go back to screen sharing.
11. Go to the Microsoft tab on the bottom left.
12. Select Computer
13. Double click (C:)
14. Go to KioskUpdateApp_4_0_0_3 right click.
15. Double click Extract All.
16. Hit Extract
17. Double click KioskUpdate.
18. Hit Browse
19. Select by double clicking KioskUpdate_v4_0_0_1U
20. Hit Run
21. Go to M3ts.com
22. Go to license and then view licenses
23. Highlight license number for location – copy.
24. Paste into Enter Product Validation Code.
25. Hit online validation button.
26. Update complete box will appear – hit OK.
27. Exit and close out all open windows.
28. Go to Kiosk2 shortcut and double click.
29. SQL will run and then kiosk screen will come up and say out of order.
30. Log-in and Go to Restart Option
31. Reboot RT.
32. Log-in Again.
33. Check bottom left for v4.0.0.1 Rev 1
34. Place the RT in Service
35. Update Complete